Year in Review

The end of the year is near...
While I can't believe it is here already, I also feel a sense of relief. We've been through a lot this year. I hope like me you've come to some valuable realizations and a new sense of direction for 2019. One of my personal takeaways is to honor my quiet time more, and to connect inwardly more. When I started the "Art Every Day" project in 2013, it was out of a desire to get more disciplined about my art practice. Through the years I've struggled with the need to be 'on the hook' for working on my art every day. Posting my progress online helped me to stay on track because it was all public. But at the same time, being public about all your ups and downs is a great challenge in itself. And ironically, it helped me gather the inner strength needed to keep going even if the work isn't going very well and/or people aren't responding positively to it. The thing about art and creating is that its not about anyone else. At the end of the day, it is all about you and your work. And when you're truly connecting to that deep inward place, you can't help but radiate it out into the world. Have you ever done a meditation on generosity? First you have to give yourself everything you've ever wanted in your mind, and that helps you to find a big shining light within that radiates out easily.

So part of my work for 2019 will be spending more time at my art practice and not being public about it. I will still be writing my monthly emails and showing you what's new. But I will not be posting everyday with the daily paintings and progresses on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook.

Thank you for following along this year, either with social media or with the emails. I hope they may inspire something for you. Until next time..

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

x Jessalin

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