Four weeks of titles and what's next.

Although difficult at first, I really came to enjoy this challenge. I have a strained relationship with words. They often times seem to represent too many different meanings to accurately describe a person's viewpoint, or too specific a meaning to allow for interpretation. But having to title daily, I found myself thinking more with words, playing with phrases and ultimately I think its helped me to open up and reveal more of my inner world. Which was the intention of this challenge. What did you think? Did you follow along or feel a greater sense of connection to the pieces?

What's Next

Point of Focus for March 17-April 14:
Listen to Your Inner Voice

I have been thinking about all these Points of Focus, their frequency, if they've been doing their job, and how you all may relate to them. I haven't been as vocal about this, but I've also been consulting astrologers and been working with the lunar cycles to help create a schedule and be attentive to the energies at play. Today, March 16 is the Balsamic Moon, the last day of the current lunar cycle with the quiet energy of completion. And the day before the New Moon which begins the next lunar cycle, and our next point of focus. Given all that I have learned about the collective energy at play as well as the things happening in my own life and chart, I've decided that you all should choose the point of focus that best suits your path. There is a lot at play with this cycle that is calling us to go inward, pay attention to the deep wounds we carry around with us and to transform pain into healing energy. This lunar cycle will also carry with it the infamous Mercury Retrograde so taking things slow, with patience and compassion will support you in your work, whatever that might be.