Jessalin Beutler

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Finding a New Rhythm

After the Winter Solstice, it seemed as if everything was lighter. There came a new awareness of what we'd been through in 2018, and a feeling of anticipation of a new year ahead, as well as anticipation of longer days and more literal light. With the new year there is a sobering, like now's the time to get to put all those good intentions to work, and try out those ideas. But with eclipse season here early, it feels like we're plunged back into the darkness. The water is murky and it is hard to see the way forward. Although we aren't under the influence of any retrogrades at the moment, the energy feels S L O W, like wading through mud. I personally get a lot of momentum from my habits and rituals, but right now it feels like it is all in flux. I am trying to restructure my schedule to allow more time for myself but it is hard to get into a rhythm. I think sound advice right now is to practice a lot of self compassion, good self care, and time outs whenever you can get a moment. Keep your focus on where you are going (or want to go), but allow yourself and others the space for things to not go exactly as planned.. We're all in this soup together.