Jessalin Beutler

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Art and Journaling

Happy Aries New Moon and Mercury stationing direct!

Have you been feeling the energy? I have. Ideas have been swirling, tempers have been rising, and everything is just not time yet. I've been feeling restless and somewhat desperate for change but being real that there is a lot of work yet to be done. My strategy has been to stay aware of all that is coming to the surface, remember and plan.

what's new

Last time I suggested you listen you listen to your inner voice with your creative pursuits and to follow whatever you need to do in your practice. I found myself jumping around a lot with subject matter. Also, it seemed that I had trouble finishing pieces. They all were taking a long time to get to a place I was happy with. I had the most success when I re-visited past work and when I was brave enough to paint over work and start again. All being true Mercury Retrograde themes of anything with a "re" (rework, revisit, redo) and things taking longer.


What's Next

April 15 - May 14 : JOURNALING

I thought it might be a good time to get back to an old habit I once found very comforting and useful. Journaling can be a great help to both calm the emotions and also get clear on why things may affect you. It helps you to remember and get all those thoughts and ideas out of your head and put them in a place where you can revisit them. It helps aid you to be able to look at situations objectively and/or release all that you might otherwise hold onto.

Painting and being creative can also fill the roll that journaling offers. But personally, I've found that painting is more of a release while journaling offers more clarity. I'd like to work on bringing these together more. What has been your experience? How do you work with your emotions?