Capricorn New Moon Affirmations for the New Year

As the moon wanes and its visibility in the sky is less and less, the energy it provides also gets smaller. We go more and more internal, focusing less on outer events and getting more clarity on our next steps. As a result there is a subtle energy of releasing and beginning anew. This is what a new moon is, the moment when the moon is darkest yet is starting to turn in the other direction (of visibility and energy). This year the Capricorn new moon falls very close to the new year giving it an extra feeling of a reset. It is still quiet and slow, but with something more clear in our hearts to begin building.

In the last 6 months or so I have been selecting affirmations at the time of the new moon to work with in my creative process. I write them down on pieces of paper and they get collaged into works in process. Because I am sensitive to the energy of the planets, the affirmations usually coincide with my own internal process and themes that are coming up for me. And because everyone is experiencing the same moon (in different ways), this time I thought I would share the affirmations that I will be working with next. Affirmations influence you stronger if you repeat them out loud or experience them in multiple ways (write, read, say) over and over until you start to feel the truth of it in your body. If any of these resonate with you, I encourage you to repeat them as a mantra to help give you strength this year.

I am putting my life in order so that I may expand and grow.

I am building the life I want.

I adopt new and better ways to live.

I am supported in the process of growth.

I am capable of more than I know.

I am resilient.

I am capable of accomplishing my goals.

I can do great things.

I find worth with what’s inside my heart.

I choose to create happiness and joy.

I am never too busy for healthy habits.

I have the strength and courage to make my dreams come true.