Jessalin Beutler

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Art and Vulnerability

One of the most healing things happens when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and seen at the same time. Often times resulting in the releasing of held in and repressed emotions or fears. They are brought up and out and then carried away so that they do not have the same power over you to block or restrict.

A painting in itself is the end result of a series of vulnerabilities. There is a heart to hand connection that happens when you let go of outcomes and let the moment take over and be felt and let the materials flow through you. By making marks in this way, you can begin to physically see what lies within that may be hard to access in regular day to day living. A story emerges with each mark, one that you have the control to shift. It is like a conversation with all of the parts of yourself. The impulses, deep fears, and passions have a voice alongside the refining part of you that has connection to your best possible self and the divine. They mingle, intersect, weave and dance and a physical thing emerges.

We all have our stories, the specifics of our lives and the struggles and joys. We also can recognize the journey of tuning in and being aware to all that is within, as well as the vulnerability it takes to share this with another or to ourselves. Which is why I think that art speaks to the human condition, and connects us even though our lives are varied and the specifics are diverse. Art hopefully provides a certain amount of courage, demonstrating that every action is beautiful and are important building blocks to something larger and perhaps unexpected.